Source code for catamap.svg_to_mesh

svg_to_mesh module

This modules allows to read an Inkscape SVG file, parse its elements, and convert them to 3D meshes.

svg_to_mesh module API

import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
    from soma import aims, aimsalgo
    fake_aims = False
except ImportError:
    # aims is not available, use the fake light one (with reduced
    # functionalities)
    aims = None
    fake_aims = True
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import os
import os.path as osp
import copy
import sys
import math
import json

SVG parsing as mesh objects


* xml (ElementTree)
* numpy
* scipy
* optionally, soma.aims
* optionally, pyclipper


    The AIMS library is used to build and manpulate meshes.
    This lib is compiled (C++ + python bindings) thus is not completely
    straightforward to install.
    Alternately we have implemented basic replacements for vector and mesh
    classes. This allows to use the 2D part.
    The 3D part however needs more algorithmic things in Aims, and Anatomist
    to render depth maps.

    Used to perform polygons clipping, which is now used in zoomed regions. If
    not installed the program will print a warning message, and clipped
    polygons will just disappear.

if fake_aims:
    # implement an "aims-lite": basic Aims mesh structures mimicing part of
    # the Aims API transparently.
    # This allows to use the 2D part.
    # The 3D part however needs more algorithmic things in Aims

    print('The soma.aims ( library '
          'module is not available. We will process using a light ersatz, '
          'which allows to process things mainly in 2D. Other 3D parts need '
          'more algorithmic processing and require the "real" aims module to '
          'be present.')

[docs] class aims(object): ''' Fake aims-lite module '''
[docs] class vector(object): ''' Fixed size vector ''' def __init__(self, dtype, shape): self._vec = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) self._dim = 1 if len(shape) >= 2: self._dim = shape[1] def assign(self, vec): shape = (len(vec), self._dim) self._vec = np.zeros(shape, dtype=self._vec.dtype) self._vec[:] = np.asarray(vec).reshape(shape) def __getitem__(self, item): return self._vec.__getitem__(item) def __setitem__(self, item, value): return self._vec.__setitem__(item, value) def __len__(self): return len(self._vec) def __iadd__(self, vec): self._vec = np.vstack((self._vec, vec)) def append(self, elem): self._vec = np.vstack((self._vec, [elem])) @property def np(self): return self._vec
class _AimsTimeSurface(object): ''' Mesh structure ''' def __init__(self, dim=3): self._vertex = aims.vector(dtype=np.float32, shape=(0, 3)) self._polygon = aims.vector(dtype=np.uint32, shape=(0, dim)) self._header = {} def vertex(self): return self._vertex def polygon(self): return self._polygon def header(self): return self._header
[docs] class AimsTimeSurface_2(_AimsTimeSurface): ''' Segments mesh (2 points per polygon) ''' def __init__(self): super(aims.AimsTimeSurface_2, self).__init__(2)
[docs] class AimsTimeSurface_3(_AimsTimeSurface): ''' Triangles mesh (3 points per polygon) ''' def __init__(self): super(aims.AimsTimeSurface_3, self).__init__(3)
def AimsTimeSurface(dim=3): if dim == 3: return aims.AimsTimeSurface_3() elif dim == 2: return aims.AimsTimeSurface_2() return aims._AimsTimeSurface(dim)
[docs]class SvgToMesh(object): ''' Read SVG, transforms things into meshes ''' def __init__(self, concat_mesh='bygroup'): ''' Parameters ---------- concat_mesh: str concatenation method between multiple paths in SVG file. 'merge': merge all paths in a single mesh 'time': use mesh timestep to store each path 'list': return a list of meshes 'bygroup' (default): return a dict of meshes, one for each main group, paths are concatenated inside each group ''' self.concat_mesh = concat_mesh self.mesh = None self.mesh_list = [] self.mesh_dict = {} self.debug = False self.id_count = 1 # layers that should be taken into account even if hidden self.explicitly_show = [] # in 2D transform mode (replace_elements), put back these properties # from the source to the transformed xml items self.keep_transformed_properties = set() self.tex_mapping_methods = { 'xy': self.make_texcoord_xy, 'geodesic_z': self.make_texcoord_geodesic_z, } self.enable_texturing = False @staticmethod def get_style(xml_elem): style = xml_elem.get('style') if not style: return None style = style.replace(';', '\n') style = style.split('\n') style = [x.strip() for x in style] style = dict([(y.strip() for y in x.split(':')) for x in style if x]) return style @staticmethod def set_style(xml_elem, style): style_l = ['%s:%s' % (k, str(v)) for k, v in style.items()] style_str = ';'.join(style_l) if not style: return None xml_elem.set('style', style_str)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mesh_color(style): ''' Returns background_color (fill), foreground_color (borders) ''' if not style: return None, None bg_color = style.get('fill') bg_opacity = style.get('fill-opacity') fg_color = style.get('stroke') fg_opacity = style.get('stroke-opacity') colors = [] for color, opacity in ((bg_color, bg_opacity), (fg_color, fg_opacity)): if not color: colors.append(None) continue color_spec = color.split(' ') color = [c[1:] for c in color_spec if c[0] == '#'] if color: c = color[0] n = int(math.ceil(len(c) / 3)) if n < 1: n = 1 if opacity not in (None, 'none'): opacity = float(opacity) else: opacity = 1. color = (int('0x' + c[:n], 0) / 255., int('0x' + c[n:n*2], 0) / 255., int('0x' + c[n*2:n*3], 0) / 255., opacity) colors.append(color) else: colors.append(None) if colors[0] is None and colors[1] is not None: colors[0] = colors[1] elif colors[1] is None and colors[0] is not None: colors[1] = colors[0] return colors
[docs] def read_rect(self, xml_path, trans, style=None): ''' Read a rectangle element as a mesh ''' if not aims: raise RuntimeError('aims module is not available. read_rect() ' 'needs it.') if style is None: style = self.get_style(xml_path) color = self.get_mesh_color(style) material = {} if color[0]: material['diffuse'] = color[0] if color[1]: material['border_color'] = color[1] x = float(xml_path.get('x')) y = float(xml_path.get('y')) w = float(xml_path.get('width')) h = float(xml_path.get('height')) pts = trans * np.matrix([[x, x+w, x+w, x], [y, y, y+h, y+h], [1., 1., 1., 1.]]) pts[2, :] = 0 # reset Z to 0 mesh = aims.AimsTimeSurface_2() mesh.vertex().assign(np.asarray(pts.T)) mesh.polygon().assign([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)]) trans3d = getattr(trans, 'transform_3d', None) if trans3d is not None: vert = np.vstack((np.asarray(mesh.vertex()).T, np.ones((1, len(mesh.vertex())), dtype=np.float32))) vert = (trans3d * vert).T vert = vert[:, :3] mesh.vertex().assign(np.asarray(vert)) mesh.header()['transformation'] = list(np.ravel(trans3d)) if material: mesh.header()['material'] = material return mesh
[docs] def read_circle(self, xml_path, trans, style=None): ''' Read a circle element as a mesh ''' if not aims: raise RuntimeError('aims module is not available. read_circle() ' 'needs it.') if style is None: style = self.get_style(xml_path) color = self.get_mesh_color(style) material = {} if color[0]: material['diffuse'] = color[0] if color[1]: material['border_color'] = color[1] x = xml_path.get('cx') if x is None: x = xml_path.get('{}cx') x = float(x) y = xml_path.get('cy') if y is None: y = xml_path.get('{}cy') y = float(y) r = xml_path.get('r') if r is None: r = xml_path.get('{}rx') # TODO read ellipse with differing rx and ry if r is None: r = xml_path.get('rx') r = float(r) angle_s = xml_path.get('sodipodi:start') if angle_s: angle_s = float(angle_s) else: angle_s = 0. angle_e = xml_path.get('sodipodi:end') if angle_e: angle_e = float(angle_e) else: angle_e = np.pi * 2 npt = 24 if hasattr(aims, 'SurfaceGenerator'): mesh = aims.SurfaceGenerator.circle_wireframe( (x, y, 1.), r, npt, (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0), angle_s, angle_e) else: # no aims lib, generate a square instead (it's normally just for # the bounding box in 2D) pts = trans * np.matrix([[x-r, x+r, x+r, x-r], [y-r, y+r, y+r, y+r], [1., 1., 1., 1.]]) pts[2, :] = 0 # reset Z to 0 mesh = aims.AimsTimeSurface_2() mesh.vertex().assign(np.asarray(pts.T)) mesh.polygon().assign([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)]) pts = trans * np.matrix(mesh.vertex().np.T) pts[2, :] = 0 # reset Z to 0 mesh.vertex().assign(np.asarray(pts.T)) trans3d = getattr(trans, 'transform_3d', None) if trans3d is not None: vert = np.vstack((np.asarray(mesh.vertex()).T, np.ones((1, len(mesh.vertex())), dtype=np.float32))) vert = (trans3d * vert).T vert = vert[:, :3] mesh.vertex().assign(np.asarray(vert)) mesh.header()['transformation'] = list(np.ravel(trans3d)) if material: mesh.header()['material'] = material return mesh
[docs] def read_polygon(self, xml_path, trans, style=None): ''' Read a polygon element as a mesh ''' if not aims: raise RuntimeError('aims module is not available. read_polygon() ' 'needs it.') if style is None: style = self.get_style(xml_path) color = self.get_mesh_color(style) material = {} if color[0]: material['diffuse'] = color[0] if color[1]: material['border_color'] = color[1] points = xml_path.get('points') pl = points.split() points = np.matrix([[float(p.strip()) for p in pt.split(',')] for pt in pl]).T # print('polygon points:', points.T) points3 = np.vstack((points, np.ones((points.shape[1], )))) pts = trans * points3 pts[2, :] = 0 # reset Z to 0 mesh = aims.AimsTimeSurface_2() mesh.vertex().assign(np.asarray(pts.T)) trans3d = getattr(trans, 'transform_3d', None) if trans3d is not None: vert = np.vstack((np.asarray(mesh.vertex()).T, np.ones((1, len(mesh.vertex())), dtype=np.float32))) vert = (trans3d * vert).T vert = vert[:, :3] mesh.vertex().assign(np.asarray(vert)) mesh.header()['transformation'] = list(np.ravel(trans3d)) poly = [(i, i+1) for i in range(pts.shape[1] - 1)] poly.append((pts.shape[1] - 1, 0)) mesh.polygon().assign(poly) if material: mesh.header()['material'] = material return mesh
[docs] def read_path(self, xml_path, trans, style=None): ''' Read a path element as mesh, apply coords transformations ''' def read_point(pdesc, i, pt=None, nvert=None, npoly=None): j = i + 1 try: while j < n and pdesc[j] in '0123456789.e-': j += 1 x = float(pdesc[i:j]) i = j + 1 while i < len(pdesc) and pdesc[i] in ' ,': i += 1 except Exception as e: print(e) print('failed reading', pt, ', i:', i, ', vertices:', nvert, ', poly:', npoly) raise return x, i if not aims: raise RuntimeError('aims module is not available. read_path() ' 'needs it.') if xml_path.tag == 'rect' or xml_path.tag.endswith('}rect') or \ xml_path.tag.endswith('}image'): return self.read_rect(xml_path, trans, style) if xml_path.tag == 'polygon' or xml_path.tag.endswith('}polygon'): return self.read_polygon(xml_path, trans, style) if xml_path.tag == 'circle' or xml_path.tag.endswith('}circle'): return self.read_circle(xml_path, trans, style) if xml_path.tag == 'ellipse' or xml_path.tag.endswith('}ellipse'): return self.read_circle(xml_path, trans, style) # read path if style is None: style = self.get_style(xml_path) color = self.get_mesh_color(style) material = {} if color[0]: material['diffuse'] = color[0] if color[1]: material['border_color'] = color[1] vert = [] poly = [] pdesc = xml_path.get('d') n = len(pdesc) i = 0 first = 0 cmd = 'M' x = 0 y = 0 while i < n: while(i < n and pdesc[i] == ' '): i += 1 if i == n: # print('end of path in:', pdesc) break # print('i:', i) last_x, last_y = x, y if pdesc[i] in 'mMcClLhHvVsSqQtTaA': cmd = pdesc[i] # print('cmd:', cmd) i += 1 while pdesc[i] == ' ': i += 1 elif pdesc[i] in '-0123456789.': if cmd not in 'vV': x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x', len(vert), len(poly)) if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x if cmd not in 'hH': y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y', len(vert), len(poly)) if cmd >= 'a': y += last_y # print(x,', ', y) if cmd in 'cC': x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x2', len(vert), len(poly)) y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y2', len(vert), len(poly)) if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x y += last_y x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x3', len(vert), len(poly)) y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y3', len(vert), len(poly)) if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x y += last_y elif cmd in 'sSqQ': x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x2', len(vert), len(poly)) y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y2', len(vert), len(poly)) if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x y += last_y if cmd in 'aA': x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x-axis-rotation', len(vert), len(poly)) y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'large-arc-flag', len(vert), len(poly)) y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'sweep-flag', len(vert), len(poly)) x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x2', len(vert), len(poly)) y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y2', len(vert), len(poly)) if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x y += last_y vert.append((x, y, 0.)) if len(vert) > 1 and cmd not in 'mM': poly.append((len(vert) - 2, len(vert) - 1)) if cmd == 'm': cmd = 'l' first = len(vert) - 1 elif cmd == 'M': cmd = 'L' first = len(vert) - 1 elif pdesc[i] in 'zZ': # print('close') if len(vert) >= first + 3: poly.append((len(vert) - 1, first)) x, y = vert[first][:2] i += 1 else: print('unknown command:', pdesc[i], 'at position', i) i += 1 mesh = aims.AimsTimeSurface(2) # print('vert:', vert) # print('poly:', poly) # print('path trans:', trans) if not np.all(trans == np.eye(3)): # print('trans:', trans) vert = np.asarray(vert).T vert[2, :] = 1. vert = (trans * vert).T vert[:, 2] = 0. # print('to: vert:', vert) mesh.vertex().assign(np.asarray(vert)) mesh.polygon().assign(poly) trans3d = getattr(trans, 'transform_3d', None) if trans3d is not None: vert = np.vstack((np.asarray(vert).T, np.ones((1, len(vert)), dtype=np.float32))) vert = (trans3d * vert).T vert = vert[:, :3] mesh.vertex().assign(np.asarray(vert)) mesh.header()['transformation'] = list(np.ravel(trans3d)) if material: mesh.header()['material'] = material return mesh
def get_textures(self, mesh, child, parents): if not self.enable_texturing: # if texturing is not enabled, don't look for them. return if 'textures' in mesh.header(): return # already done tex_types = { 'texture': None, 'ceil_texture': None, 'floor_texture': None, 'wall_texture': None, } found = False for element in [child] + list(reversed(parents)): for ttype in tex_types: texture = element.get(ttype) if texture is not None: found = True try: tex_def = json.loads(texture) except Exception: print( 'error in JSON decoding of %s property of ' 'element: %s: %s' % (ttype, element.get('id'), texture)) raise tex_types[ttype] = tex_def if found: break else: return textures = {} for ttype, tex_def in tex_types.items(): if tex_def is None: continue # coords, mapping method, scales & transform tex_params = {k: v for k, v in tex_def.items() if k not in ('id', 'label', 'layer')} tex_def = {k: v for k, v in tex_def.items() if k in ('id', 'label', 'layer')} # TODO tex_element = self.find_element(self.svg, tex_def) if tex_element is None: print('texture image not found for %s, %s: %s' % (element.get('id'), ttype, tex_element)) continue # print('texture image:', tex_element) tex_image = self.get_image(tex_element[0], tex_element[1]) # mesh is possibly not complete yet: tex coords generation # must be postponed. textures[ttype] = {'image': tex_image, 'params': tex_params} mesh.header()['textures'] = textures def get_image(self, xml_element, trans): if not hasattr(self, 'texture_images'): self.texture_images = {} else: image = self.texture_images.get(xml_element.get('id')) if image is not None: # already got this one return image w = float(xml_element.get('width')) h = float(xml_element.get('height')) x = float(xml_element.get('x')) y = float(xml_element.get('y')) pos =[x, y, 1.]) uri = xml_element.get('{}href') image = aims.Volume_RGBA() gltf_props = xml_element.get('gltf_properties') if gltf_props is not None: gltf_props = json.loads(gltf_props) if uri[:6] == 'data:': # bin pass else: if not osp.isabs(uri): uri_a = osp.join(osp.dirname(self.svg_filename), uri) if osp.exists(uri_a): uri = uri_a else: # maybe a realpath uri = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.realpath( self.svg_filename)), uri) image = svg_p = image.header() svg_p['name'] = xml_element.get('id') # to re-identify the image later svg_p['svg_size'] = [w, h] svg_p['svg_position'] = np.asarray(pos)[0].tolist() svg_p['svg_transform'] = trans.tolist() if gltf_props is not None: # print('set gltf_properties:', gltf_props) image.header()['gltf_properties'] = gltf_props # print('image header:', image.header()) self.texture_images[xml_element.get('id')] = image return image def build_texture(self, mesh, key): textures = mesh.header().get('textures') if textures is None: return if key.endswith('wall_tri'): ttype = 'wall_texture' elif key.endswith('floor_tri'): ttype = 'floor_texture' elif key.endswith('ceil_tri'): ttype = 'ceil_texture' else: return tex_def = textures.get(ttype) if tex_def is None: tex_def = textures.get('texture') if tex_def is None: return if 'mapping_method' not in tex_def.get('params', {}) \ and ttype == 'wall_texture': tex_def.setdefault('params', {})['mapping_method'] = 'geodesic_z' tex_coords = self.make_texcoords(mesh, tex_def) tex_def['coords'] = [tex_coords] mesh.header()['texture'] = tex_def def make_texcoords(self, mesh, tex_def): map_meth = tex_def.get('params', {}).get('mapping_method', 'xy') print('map meth:', tex_def.get('params', {}).get('mapping_method')) map_method = self.tex_mapping_methods[map_meth] tex_coords = map_method(mesh, tex_def) tex_coords.header()['gltf_texture'] = {'teximage': tex_def['image']} return tex_coords def make_texcoord_xy(self, mesh, tex_def): image = tex_def['image'] svg_p = image.header() im_size = svg_p.get('svg_size', [1., 1.]) im_pos = svg_p.get('svg_position', [0., 0.]) im_trans = svg_p.get('svg_transform') if im_trans is not None: im_trans = np.matrix(im_trans) im_trans = np.linalg.inv(im_trans) else: im_trans = np.eye(3) im_trans[:, 2] =[im_pos[0], im_pos[1], 0]).T ptrans = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) ptrans[0, 0] = 1. / im_size[0] ptrans[1, 1] = 1. / im_size[1] ptrans[2, 2] = 0. ptrans = ptrans * im_trans tex = aims.TimeTexture_POINT2DF() for t in mesh.keys(): tx = tex[t] vert = mesh.vertex(t).np.T[:2, :] vert = np.vstack((vert, np.ones((1, vert.shape[1])))) trans_c =[:2, :].T tx.assign(np.asarray(trans_c)) return tex def make_texcoord_geodesic_z(self, mesh, tex_def): image = tex_def['image'] svg_p = image.header() im_size = svg_p.get('svg_size', [1., 1.]) im_pos = svg_p.get('svg_position', [0., 0.]) im_trans = svg_p.get('svg_transform') if im_trans is not None: im_trans = np.matrix(im_trans) im_trans = np.linalg.inv(im_trans) else: im_trans = np.eye(3) im_trans[:, 2] =[im_pos[0], im_pos[1], 0]).T ptrans = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) ptrans[0, 0] = 1. / im_size[0] ptrans[1, 1] = 1. / im_size[1] ptrans[2, 2] = 0. ptrans = ptrans * im_trans geodesic = self.geodesic2d(mesh) tex = aims.TimeTexture_POINT2DF() for t in mesh.keys(): tx = tex[t] vert = mesh.vertex(t).np tx.resize(vert.shape[0]) tx = tx[:, 0] = geodesic[0].np ptrans[0, 2] +=[vert[0, 0], 0, 1])[0, 0] \ -[tx[0, 0], 0, 1])[0, 0] tx[:, 1] = vert[:, 2] pts = np.vstack((tx.T, np.ones((1, tx.shape[0])))) trans_c =[:2, :].T # y of textures is inverted, start at 1 (bottom) at 1st vertex trans_c[:, 1] = trans_c[0, 1] - trans_c[:, 1] tx[:] = trans_c return tex def geodesic2d(self, mesh): # get range of distances mesh2d = type(mesh)(mesh) # copy mesh mesh2d.vertex(0).np[:, 2] = 0 # keep x, y, set z = 0 vert2d = mesh.vertex(0).np[:, :2] # separate disconnected components first ictex = aims.TimeTexture_S16() ictex[0].resize(mesh.vertex(0).size()) ictex[0].np[:] = 0 cctex = aimsalgo.AimsMeshLabelConnectedComponent(mesh, ictex, 10000) ccs = np.round(cctex[0].np).astype(int) del ictex, cctex # in each connected component, set a distancemap seed ncc = ccs[-1] itex = aims.TimeTexture_S16() itex[0].resize(mesh.vertex(0).size()) itex0 = itex[0].np itex0[:] = 0 for seed in range(ncc): w = np.where(ccs == seed + 1)[0] seedp = w[0] vdist = vert2d[w] - vert2d[seedp] vdist = np.sum(vdist * vdist, axis=1) # assume dmax / 10000 is the minimum distance to distinguish points # (may be wrong...). We set seed label on vertices vertical with # the seed vertex dmax2 = np.max(vdist) * 0.000000001 # dmax = np.sqrt(dmax2) itex0[w[vdist <= dmax2]] = 1 # start at 1st vertex # then run a distance map from these seeds dtex = aims.TimeTexture_FLOAT() dtex[0].resize(mesh.vertex(0).size()) dtex0 = dtex[0].np dtex0[:] = -1 print('geodesic distance map...') # print('dmax:', dmax) # print('init mesh:', mesh.vertex(0).np) ftex = aims.meshdistance.MeshDistance(mesh2d, itex, False) ftex0 = ftex[0].np dtex0[ftex0 >= -0.1] = ftex0[ftex0 >= -0.1] return dtex @staticmethod def set_transform(xml_elem, trans): mat_str = 'matrix(%s)' % ', '.join(str(x) for x in np.ravel(trans[:2, :].T)) xml_elem.set('transform', mat_str)
[docs] def get_transform(self, trans, previous=None, no_3d=False): ''' Parameters ---------- trans: str or XML element if str: transform field in the SVG element. if element: XML element itself previous: np array or None parent transform to be composed with ''' # print('transform:', trans_str) mat3d = None tmat3d = None if not no_3d: if previous is not None: tmat3d = getattr(previous, 'transform_3d', None) if not isinstance(trans, str): mat3d = self._get_transform(trans, trans.get('transform_3d'), tmat3d, as_3d=True, previous_2d=previous) hshift = trans.get('height_shift') if hshift is not None: hshift = float(hshift) * getattr(self, 'z_scale', 1.) # print('z_scale:', getattr(self, 'z_scale', 1.), hshift) m = np.matrix(np.eye(4)) m[2, 3] = hshift # print('height_shift 3d:', m) mat3d = mat3d * m else: mat3d = tmat3d if isinstance(trans, str): trans_str = trans else: trans_str = trans.get('transform') mat = self._get_transform(trans, trans_str, previous, as_3d=False) if mat3d is not None: mat = np.matrix(mat, copy=True) mat.transform_3d = mat3d return mat
def _get_transform(self, element, trans_str, previous, as_3d, previous_2d=None): ''' element: xml element trans_str: str previous: np.matrix as_3d: bool ''' if trans_str is None: if previous is not None: return previous if as_3d: return np.matrix(np.eye(4)) else: return np.matrix(np.eye(3)) tr_list = trans_str.split(') ') tr_list = [x + ')' for x in tr_list[:-1]] + [tr_list[-1]] tmat = previous for trans_strx in tr_list: if as_3d: mat = np.matrix(np.eye(4)) else: mat = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) i = trans_strx.find('(') if not i or trans_strx[-1] != ')': print('unrecognized transform: %s', trans_strx) return tmat ttype = trans_strx[:i] tdef1 = trans_strx[i+1:-1].strip().split(',') tdef1 = [x.strip() for x in tdef1] tdef1 = [x for x in tdef1 if x != ''] tdef = [] for t in tdef1: tdef += [float(x.strip()) for x in t.split(' ')] if ttype == 'matrix' and not as_3d: mat[:2, 0] = np.reshape(tdef[:2], (2, 1)) mat[:2, 1] = np.reshape(tdef[2:4], (2, 1)) mat[:2, 2] = np.reshape(tdef[4:], (2, 1)) elif ttype == 'translate': mat[0, -1] = tdef[0] if len(tdef) > 1: mat[1, -1] = tdef[1] if len(tdef) > 2: mat[2, -1] = tdef[2] elif ttype == 'scale': mat[0, 0] = tdef[0] if len(tdef) > 1: mat[1, 1] = tdef[1] else: mat[1, 1] = tdef[0] if as_3d: if len(tdef) > 2: mat[2, 2] = tdef[2] else: mat[2, 2] = tdef[0] elif ttype == 'rotate': if as_3d: q1 = aims.Quaternion() q1.fromAxis([1, 0, 0], tdef[0] * np.pi / 180.) q2 = aims.Quaternion() q2.fromAxis([0, 1, 0], tdef[1] * np.pi / 180.) q3 = aims.Quaternion() q3.fromAxis([0, 0, 1], tdef[2] * np.pi / 180.) # rotate around z, then y, then x mat = aims.AffineTransformation3d(q1 * q2 * q3).np if len(tdef) == 6: m2 = np.matrix(np.eye(4)) m2[:3, 3] = tdef[3:] mat *= m2 else: c = self.get_center(element, previous_2d) m2 = np.matrix(np.eye(4)) m2[:3, 3] = c[:3] mat = m2 * mat * np.linalg.inv(m2) else: ca = np.cos(tdef[0] / 180. * np.pi) sa = np.sin(tdef[0] / 180. * np.pi) mat[0:2, 0] = np.reshape((ca, sa), (2, 1)) mat[0:2, 1] = np.reshape((-sa, ca), (2, 1)) if len(tdef) >= 3: m2 = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) m2[:2, 2] = ((tdef[1], ), (tdef[2], )) mat = m2 * mat m2[:2, 2] *= -1 mat *= m2 elif ttype == 'skewX': mat[0, 1] = np.tan(tdef[0] / 180. * np.pi) elif ttype == 'skewY': mat[1, 0] = np.tan(tdef[0] / 180. * np.pi) elif ttype == 'matrix4' or (ttype == 'matrix' and as_3d): mat = np.matrix(np.eye(4)) mat[:3, 0] = np.reshape(tdef[:3], (3, 1)) mat[:3, 1] = np.reshape(tdef[3:6], (3, 1)) mat[:3, 2] = np.reshape(tdef[6:9], (3, 1)) mat[:3, 3] = np.reshape(tdef[9:], (3, 1)) elif ttype == 'center4' or ttype == 'center': # print('CENTER4', element.get('id')) mat = np.matrix(np.eye(4)) # if isinstance(element, str): # print('center4 in string:', element) if not isinstance(element, str): bbox = self.boundingbox(element, previous_2d) # print('bbox:', bbox) if bbox[0] is not None and bbox[1] is not None: c = np.matrix(((bbox[1][0] + bbox[0][0]) / 2, (bbox[1][1] + bbox[0][1]) / 2, 0., 1.)) if tmat is not None: tc = else: tc = np.matrix(np.zeros((4, ))).T if tmat is None: tmat = np.matrix(np.eye(4)) else: tmat = np.matrix(tmat, copy=True) tmat[:3, 3] += (c.T - tc)[:3] # print('center4, tmat:', tmat) # print('c:', c) else: msg = f'unrecognized transform function: {ttype}' if isinstance(element, str): msg += f' in transform string: {element}' else: msg += f' in element: {element.get("id")}' raise ValueError(msg) if tmat is None: tmat = mat else: tmat = tmat * mat # print('mat:', tmat) return tmat def get_center(self, element, trans): bbox = self.boundingbox(element, trans) if bbox[0] is not None and bbox[1] is not None: c = np.matrix(((bbox[1][0] + bbox[0][0]) / 2, (bbox[1][1] + bbox[0][1]) / 2, 0., 1.)).T trans3 = getattr(trans, 'transform_3d', None) # print('get_center', element.get('id'), ', trans3d:', trans3) if trans3 is not None: c = hshift = element.get('height_shift') if hshift is not None: hs = float(hshift) * getattr(self, 'z_scale', 1.) c[2] += hs return c return None @staticmethod def to_transform(matrix): transform = 'matrix(' + ', '.join( [str(x) for x in np.asarray(matrix[:2, :].T).ravel()]) + ')' return transform def boundingbox(self, element, trans=None, exhaustive=True): todo = [(element, trans)] bbox = [None, None] bmin, bmax = bbox while todo: element, trans = todo.pop(0) trans = self.get_transform(element, trans, no_3d=True) if element.tag.endswith('}g'): todo = [(c, trans) for c in element] + todo else: if element.tag.endswith('}path') \ or element.tag.endswith('}rect') \ or element.tag.endswith('}image') \ or element.tag.endswith('}circle') \ or element.tag.endswith('}ellipse'): if trans is None: trans = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) mesh = self.read_path(element, trans) for v in mesh.vertex(): if bmin is None: bmin = [v[0], v[1]] bmax = [v[0], v[1]] bbox = [bmin, bmax] else: if v[0] < bmin[0]: bmin[0] = v[0] if v[0] > bmax[0]: bmax[0] = v[0] if v[1] < bmin[1]: bmin[1] = v[1] if v[1] > bmax[1]: bmax[1] = v[1] if not exhaustive: break return bbox
[docs] def transform_subtree(self, xml, in_trans, trans, otrans=None): ''' in_trans: current transform of xml subtree (out of the subtree) trans: transform to be applied otrans: transform in the output subtree. default=in_trans ''' if otrans is None: otrans = in_trans todo = [(xml, in_trans, otrans)] while todo: element, c_trans, c_otrans = todo.pop(0) transm = self.get_transform(element) if c_trans is None: c_trans = transm else: c_trans = c_trans * transm if hasattr(transm, 'transform_3d'): c_trans.transform_3d = transm.transform_3d if c_otrans is None: c_otrans = transm else: c_otrans = c_otrans * transm if hasattr(transm, 'transform_3d'): c_otrans.transform_3d = transm.transform_3d # element.set('transform', None) # FIXME: how to remove it if element.tag.endswith('}g'): todo = [(c, c_trans, c_otrans) for c in element] + todo else: if element.tag.endswith('}path'): iotrans = np.matrix(scipy.linalg.inv(c_otrans)) ptrans = iotrans * trans * c_trans d = self.transform_path(element, ptrans) element.set('d', d) elif element.tag.endswith('}rect'): iotrans = np.matrix(scipy.linalg.inv(c_otrans)) ptrans = iotrans * trans * c_trans self.transform_rect(element, ptrans)
def style_to_str(self, style): return ';'.join(['%s:%s' % (k, str(v)) for k, v in style.items()])
[docs] def transform_style(self, xml_path, trans): ''' adapt style in path/rect to scale changes (stroke width etc) ''' style = self.get_style(xml_path) if style is not None: stroke_width = style.get('stroke-width') if stroke_width is not None: unit = '' i = 1 while stroke_width[-i] not in '0123456789.': unit = stroke_width[-i] + unit i += 1 if i > 1: stroke_width = stroke_width[:-i+1] stroke_width = float(stroke_width) tp =[[stroke_width], [0.], [1.]]) \ -[[0.], [0.], [1.]]) stroke_width = str(tp[0, 0]) + unit style['stroke-width'] = stroke_width style_str = self.style_to_str(style) xml_path.set('style', style_str)
[docs] def transform_path(self, xml_path, trans): ''' trans: transform to be applied ''' def read_point(pdesc, i, pt=None): j = i + 1 try: while j < n and pdesc[j] in '0123456789.e-': j += 1 x = float(pdesc[i:j]) i = j + 1 while i < len(pdesc) and pdesc[i] in ' ,': i += 1 except Exception as e: print(e) print('failed reading', pt, ', i:', i) raise return x, i cx = xml_path.get( '{}cx') cy = xml_path.get( '{}cy') if cx is not None and cy is not None: tp = np.asarray([[float(cx)], [float(cy)], [1.]])).ravel() xml_path.set( '{}cx', str(tp[0])) xml_path.set( '{}cy', str(tp[1])) rx = xml_path.get( '{}rx') ry = xml_path.get( '{}ry') if rx is not None: tp2 = np.asarray([[float(cx) + float(rx)], [float(cy)], [1.]])).ravel() xml_path.set( '{}rx', str(np.abs(tp2[0] - tp[0]))) if ry is not None: tp2 = np.asarray([[float(cx)], [float(cy) + float(ry)], [1.]])).ravel() xml_path.set( '{}ry', str(np.abs(tp2[1] - tp[1]))) # additional stuff for stars r1 = xml_path.get('{' 'sodipodi-0.dtd}r1') if r1 is not None: scale = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array( trans * np.array([[1, 0, 0]]).T - trans * np.array([[0, 0, 0]]).T) ** 2)) xml_path.set('{' 'sodipodi-0.dtd}r1', str(float(r1) * scale)) r2 = xml_path.get('{' 'DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd}r2') if r2 is not None: xml_path.set('{' 'sodipodi-0.dtd}r2', str(float(r2) * scale)) self.transform_style(xml_path, trans) pdesc = xml_path.get('d') n = len(pdesc) i = 0 cmd = 'M' x = 0 y = 0 tp = [0, 0] first = x, y, tp out_cmd = [] while i < n: while(i < n and pdesc[i] == ' '): i += 1 if i == n: # print('end of path in:', pdesc) break # print('i:', i) last_x, last_y = x, y last_tp = tp if pdesc[i] in 'mMcClLhHvVsSqQtTaA': cmd = pdesc[i] out_cmd.append(cmd) # print('cmd:', cmd) i += 1 while pdesc[i] == ' ': i += 1 elif pdesc[i] in '-0123456789.': if cmd not in 'vV': x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x') if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x if cmd not in 'hH': y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y') if cmd >= 'a': y += last_y tp = np.asarray([[x], [y], [1.]])).ravel() if cmd not in 'vV': if cmd >= 'a': out_cmd.append(tp[0] - last_tp[0]) else: out_cmd.append(tp[0]) if cmd not in 'hH': if cmd >= 'a': out_cmd.append(tp[1] - last_tp[1]) else: out_cmd.append(tp[1]) if cmd not in 'vVhH': out_cmd = out_cmd[:-2] \ + ['%f,%f' % (out_cmd[-2], out_cmd[-1])] # print(x,', ', y) if cmd in 'cC': x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x2') y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y2') if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x y += last_y tp = np.asarray([[x], [y], [1.]])).ravel() out_cmd.append( '%f,%f' % (tp[0] - last_tp[0], tp[1] - last_tp[1])) else: tp = np.asarray([[x], [y], [1.]])).ravel() out_cmd.append('%f,%f' % (tp[0], tp[1])) x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x3') y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y3') if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x y += last_y tp = np.asarray([[x], [y], [1.]])).ravel() out_cmd.append( '%f,%f' % (tp[0] - last_tp[0], tp[1] - last_tp[1])) else: tp = np.asarray([[x], [y], [1.]])).ravel() out_cmd.append('%f,%f' % (tp[0], tp[1])) elif cmd in 'sSqQ': x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x2') y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y2') if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x y += last_y tp = np.asarray([[x], [y], [1.]])).ravel() out_cmd.append( '%f,%f' % (tp[0] - last_tp[0], tp[1] - last_tp[1])) else: tp = np.asarray([[x], [y], [1.]])).ravel() out_cmd.append('%f,%f' % (tp[0], tp[1])) if cmd in 'aA': x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x-axis-rotation') y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'large-arc-flag') s, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'sweep-flag') out_cmd += [x, int(y), int(s)] x, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'x2') y, i = read_point(pdesc, i, 'y2') if cmd >= 'a': x += last_x y += last_y tp = np.asarray([[x], [y], [1.]])).ravel() out_cmd.append( '%f,%f' % (tp[0] - last_tp[0], tp[1] - last_tp[1])) else: tp = np.asarray([[x], [y], [1.]])).ravel() out_cmd.append('%f,%f' % (tp[0], tp[1])) if cmd == 'm': cmd = 'l' first = x, y, tp elif cmd == 'M': cmd = 'L' first = x, y, tp elif pdesc[i] in 'zZ': out_cmd.append(pdesc[i]) x, y, tp = first i += 1 else: out_cmd.append(pdesc[i]) i += 1 return ' '.join([str(x) for x in out_cmd])
def transform_rect(self, xml_path, trans): # additional stuff for squares x = xml_path.get('x') y = xml_path.get('y') x = float(x) y = float(y) pos =[[x], [y], [1.]]) xml_path.set('x', str(pos[0, 0])) xml_path.set('y', str(pos[1, 0])) w = xml_path.get('width') if w is not None: w = float(w) pos =[[w], [0.], [1.]]) -[[0.], [0.], [1.]]) scale = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(pos) ** 2)) xml_path.set('width', str(scale)) h = xml_path.get('height') if h is not None: h = float(h) pos =[[0.], [h], [1.]]) -[[0.], [0.], [1.]]) scale = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(pos) ** 2)) xml_path.set('height', str(scale)) self.transform_style(xml_path, trans)
[docs] def filter_element(xml_element, style=None): ''' Assign a processing function / method to the given element, a cleaning function to be called after the associated sub-tree is processed, and a bool to tell if children should be skipped. This method can be overloaded and is called for each XML tree element. The default implementation returns None, which means that there is no specific processing and the default behavior should happen. Returns ------- proc: (proc_callable, clean_callable, skip_children) or None proc_callable and clean_callable may be None, meaning that normal processing should happen. The processing callable will be called with 3 arguments: (xml_element, transform_matrix, style_dict). The cleaning callable will be called without arguments. if skip_children is True, children are skipped. ''' return None
def merge_meshes_by_group(self, meshes): if not aims: raise RuntimeError('aims module is not available. ' 'merge_meshes_by_group() needs it.') for key, mesh_l in meshes.items(): if isinstance(mesh_l, list) and len(mesh_l) != 0 \ and isinstance(mesh_l[0], (aims.AimsTimeSurface_2, aims.AimsTimeSurface_3)): mesh = mesh_l[0] for smesh in mesh_l[1:]: aims.SurfaceManip.meshMerge(mesh, smesh) meshes[key] = mesh
[docs] def read_paths(self, xml_et): ''' Parse XML tree and extract meshes, text and other objects Parameters ---------- xml_et: XML tree obtained using xml.etree.cElementTree.parse(svg_filename) ''' if not aims: raise RuntimeError('aims module is not available. read_paths() ' 'needs it.') trans = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) todo = [(xml_et.getroot(), trans, None, [])] self.mesh = aims.AimsTimeSurface(2) self.mesh_list = [] self.mesh_dict = {} index = 0 while todo: child, trans, main_group, parents = todo.pop(0) if child is None: # this is a hacked special code to call cleaner cleaners = trans if not isinstance(cleaners, (tuple, list)): cleaners = [cleaners] for cleaner in cleaners: cleaner() continue # allow to trick main_group self.main_group = main_group del main_group style = self.get_style(child) if style is None: style = {} # so that read_path will not parse it again trans = self.get_transform(child, trans) if self.debug: print('process child:', child) reader = None cleaner = None skip_children = False reader_cleaner = self.filter_element(child, style) if reader_cleaner is not None: reader, cleaner, skip_children = reader_cleaner if reader is not None: reader(child, trans, style) if cleaner not in (None, [], ()): # insert a special code to do something at the end of this tree todo.insert(0, (None, cleaner, None, parents)) if reader is None and style and style.get('display') == 'none' \ and child.get('{}label') \ not in self.explicitly_show: # hidden layer, skip it continue if reader is not None: pass elif child.tag.endswith('}defs') or child.tag == 'defs': # skip defs sub-tree continue elif child.tag in ('path', 'rect', 'polygon', 'circle') \ or child.tag.endswith('}path') \ or child.tag.endswith('}rect') \ or child.tag.endswith('}polygon') \ or child.tag.endswith('}circle') \ or child.tag.endswith('}ellipse'): child_mesh = self.read_path(child, trans, style) if self.concat_mesh == 'merge': aims.SurfaceManip.meshMerge(self.mesh, child_mesh) self.mesh.header().update(child_mesh.header()) self.get_textures(self.mesh, child, parents) elif self.concat_mesh == 'time': self.mesh.vertex(index).assign(child_mesh.vertex()) self.mesh.polygon(index).assign(child_mesh.polygon()) self.mesh.header().update(child_mesh.header()) self.get_textures(self.mesh, child, parents) index += 1 elif self.concat_mesh == 'bygroup': mesh = self.mesh_dict.setdefault(self.main_group, aims.AimsTimeSurface(2)) aims.SurfaceManip.meshMerge(mesh, child_mesh) material = mesh.header().get('material') mesh.header().update(child_mesh.header()) if material is not None: mesh.header()['material'] = material self.get_textures(mesh, child, parents) elif self.concat_mesh == 'list_bygroup': meshes = self.mesh_dict.setdefault(self.main_group, []) try: meshes.append(child_mesh) except Exception as e: print('FAILED TO READ MESH:', e) print('main_group:', self.main_group) print(child.tag) print(list(child.items())) raise self.get_textures(meshes[0], child, parents) try: if 'material' not in meshes[0].header(): meshes[0].header().update(child_mesh.header()) except Exception: print('material:', self.main_group, meshes) raise else: self.mesh_list.append(child_mesh) self.get_textures(self.mesh, child, parents) elif child.tag.endswith('}clipPath') or child.tag == 'clipPath': # print('clipPath') # skip clipPaths pass elif child.tag.endswith('}text') or child.tag == 'text': tgroup = self.main_group if not tgroup.endswith('_text'): tgroup += '_text' current_text \ = self.mesh_dict.setdefault( tgroup, {'object_type': 'List', 'objects': []}) text = child.text if isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.decode() current_text_o = self.text_description( child, trans, style=style, text=text) current_text['objects'].append(current_text_o) size = self.text_size(current_text_o) current_text_o['properties']['size'] = size current_text_o['objects'][0]['properties']['position'] \ = [-size[0]/2., size[1]/2., 0] elif child.tag.endswith('}tspan') or child.tag == 'tspan': text = child.text tgroup = self.main_group if not tgroup.endswith('_text'): tgroup += '_text' current_text_o \ = self.mesh_dict[tgroup]['objects'][-1] try: current_text_d \ = current_text_o['objects'][-1]['properties'] except Exception: print('error in text item:', file=sys.stderr) print('current_text_o:', repr(current_text_o)) # traceback.print_exc() raise current_text = current_text_d['text'] if text is None: print('tspan without text, id:', child.get('id')) text = '' elif isinstance(text, bytes): text = child.text.decode() if not current_text: current_text = text else: current_text += '\n' + text current_text_d['text'] = current_text size = self.text_size(current_text_o) current_text_o['properties']['size'] = size current_text_o['objects'][0]['properties']['position'] \ = [-size[0]/2., size[1]/2., 0] elif self.main_group is None \ and (child.tag.endswith('}g') or child.tag == 'g'): self.main_group = child.get('id') if not skip_children and len(child) != 0: # set the metadata layer, if present, first, because it may # contain information used by other items meta = [] other = [] for c in child: if c.tag.endswith('}metadata'): meta.append((c, trans, self.main_group, parents + [child])) else: other.append((c, trans, self.main_group, parents + [child])) todo = meta + other + todo if self.concat_mesh in ('merge', 'time'): return self.mesh elif self.concat_mesh in ('bygroup', 'list_bygroup'): return self.mesh_dict return self.mesh_list
def text_description(self, xml_item, trans=None, style=None, text=''): props = { 'object_type': 'TransformedObject', 'properties': {}, 'objects': [], } if not xml_item.get('x') or not xml_item.get('y'): if len(xml_item[:]) != 0 and xml_item[0].get('x') \ and xml_item[0].get('y'): # coords on tspan item pos = (float(xml_item[0].get('x')), float(xml_item[0].get('y'))) else: print('text without coords, id:', xml_item.get('id')) print(xml_item) print(xml_item.items()) pos = (0., 0.) else: pos = (float(xml_item.get('x')), float(xml_item.get('y'))) if trans is not None: p0 = np.array(((pos[0], pos[1], 1.),)).T pos = list(np.array([:2]) font_size = None obj_props = {'text': text, 'position': [0, 0, 0.], 'font_size': 10., 'scale': 0.1, 'material': {'diffuse': [.5, .5, .5, 1.]}} trobj_props = {'position': [pos[0], pos[1], 4.]} props['properties'] = trobj_props props['objects'].append({ 'object_type': 'TextObject', 'name': 'Text', 'properties': obj_props, }) if style is not None: text_anchor = style.get('text-anchor') if text_anchor is not None: obj_props['text-anchor'] = text_anchor if text_anchor == 'middle': pass # TODO font_size = style.get('font-size') if font_size is not None: unit = '' i = 1 while font_size[-i] not in '0123456789.': unit = font_size[-i] + unit i += 1 if i > 1: font_size = font_size[:-i+1] font_size = float(font_size) if trans is not None: pt =[[0.], [font_size], [1.]]) \ -[[0.], [0.], [1.]]) font_size = np.sqrt(pt[0, 0] * pt[0, 0] + pt[1, 0] * pt[1, 0]) if unit in ('', 'pt', 'px'): font_size *= 10. / 3.95 # arbitrary obj_props['font_size'] = font_size font_family = style.get('font-family') if font_family is not None: obj_props['font_family'] = font_family fill = style.get('fill') if fill is not None and fill != 'none': try: col = [float(int(fill[1:3], 16)) / 255., float(int(fill[3:5], 16)) / 255., float(int(fill[5:7], 16)) / 255., 1.] except Exception as e: print(e) print('error while reading text color:', repr(fill)) print('in element:', xml_item.get('id')) raise # avoid dark colors (intensity < 0.4) if col[0] * col[0] + col[1] * col[1] + col[2] * col[2] < 0.16: col = [1., 1., 1., 1.] obj_props['material'] = {'diffuse': col} return props @staticmethod def text_size(text_item): if not text_item: return [0, 0] text_obj = text_item['objects'][0]['properties'] scale = text_obj.get('scale', 1.) * text_obj.get('font_size', 10.) text = text_obj.get('text') if not text: return [0, 0] if isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.decode() text = text.split('\n') # assume fixed size font, with height/width ratio of 3.3. # also assume a final scale factor of 2.12 (old: 0.0827) # this is arbitrary but I don't know how to do better scale *= 2.12 # 0.0827 hw_ratio = 2.5 height = len(text) * scale width = max([len(line) for line in text]) * scale / hw_ratio return [width, height] @staticmethod def extrude(mesh, distance): if not aims: raise RuntimeError('aims module is not available. extrude() ' 'needs it.') up = aims.AimsTimeSurface(mesh) tr = aims.AffineTransformation3d() tr.setTranslation([0., 0., distance]) trans3d = mesh.header().get('transformation') if trans3d: trans3d = aims.AffineTransformation3d(trans3d) trans3d.setTranslation([0, 0, 0]) trans = trans3d.transform(0., 0., distance) tr.setTranslation(trans) aims.SurfaceManip.meshTransform(up, tr) walls = aims.AimsTimeSurface(3) walls.header().update( {k: copy.deepcopy(v) for k, v in mesh.header().items()}) # restore shared texture images (avoid duplications) if 'textures' in mesh.header(): for tt, tv in mesh.header()['textures'].items(): tim = tv.get('image') if tim is not None: walls.header()['textures'][tt]['image'] = tim material = {} if 'material' in walls.header(): material = walls.header()['material'] material['face_culling'] = 0 walls.header()['material'] = material vert0 = mesh.vertex() poly0 = mesh.polygon() vert = walls.vertex() poly = walls.polygon() vert.assign(vert0 + up.vertex()) nv = len(vert0) for line in poly0: poly.append((line[0], line[1], nv + line[0])) poly.append((line[1], nv + line[1], nv + line[0])) walls.updateNormals() return up, walls @staticmethod def prune_empty_groups(xml): todo = [(xml.getroot(), None, True)] count = 0 total = 0 while todo: element, parent, begin = todo.pop(0) total += 1 if element.tag.endswith('}g'): if len(element) == 0: if parent is not None: parent.remove(element) count += 1 continue if begin: added = [(child, element, True) for child in element] if parent is not None: added.append((element, parent, False)) todo = added + todo print('pruned', count, 'elements out of', total) def copy_svg(self, xml): xml2 = copy.deepcopy(xml) todo = [xml2] while todo: item = todo.pop(0) eid = item.get('id') if eid is None: eid = 'copy' elif '-' in eid: eid = '-'.join(eid.split('-')[:-1]) + '_copy' else: eid = eid + '_copy' eid += '-%d' % self.id_count self.id_count += 1 item.set('id', eid) if item.tag == 'g' or item.tag.endswith('}g'): todo = item[:] + todo return xml2 def copy_item_properties(self, source, dest): for prop in self.keep_transformed_properties: value = source.get(prop) if value is not None: dest.set(prop, value)
[docs] def replace_filter_element(self, xml): ''' Inside replace_elements, this function is called for each xml element, and should return either the element itself (no replacement), or None (element is discarded), or a replaced XML element. The default method always returns the input element. ''' return xml
def replace_elements(self, xml, replace_dict): # replace_dict: {'id': {eid: {label: label, element: xml, # children: bool, center: (x, y)}}, # 'label': {label: {element: xml, children: bool, # center: (x, y)}}} todo = [(xml.getroot(), np.matrix(np.eye(3)), None, None, None)] count = 0 total = 0 if replace_dict is None: replace_dict = {} rid = replace_dict.get('id', {}) rlabel = replace_dict.get('label', {}) # print('replace_dict:', replace_dict) while todo: element, trans, parent, current_id, current_label = todo.pop(0) element2 = self.replace_filter_element(element) if element2 is None: parent.remove(element) continue element = element2 total += 1 eid = element.get('id') glabel = element.get('glabel') # glabel can replace id relem = None replace_children = False if eid in rid: relem = rid[eid] elif glabel in rid: relem = rid[glabel] eid = glabel elif eid is not None and '-' in eid: eid = '-'.join(eid.split('-')[:-1]) if eid in rid: relem = rid[eid] if relem is not None: current_id = eid label = element.get('label') if label is not None: current_label = label if relem is not None: elabel = relem.get('label') if elabel is not None and elabel != label: relem = None else: relem = rlabel.get(label) if relem is None and current_label: relem = rlabel.get(current_label) if relem is None and current_id: relem = rid.get(current_id) if relem is not None: item = relem['element'] replace_children = relem.get('children', False) center = relem.get('center') # print('replace element:', eid, label, relem) if element.get( '{}' 'groupmode') == 'layer' \ or element.get('groupmode') == 'layer': # it's a layer (or group marked as 'groupmode=layer'): # process children replace_children = True if replace_children: trans = self.get_transform(element, trans) added = [(child, trans, element, current_id, current_label) for child in element] todo = added + todo else: bbox = self.boundingbox(element, trans) ecent = ((bbox[0][0] + bbox[1][0]) / 2, (bbox[0][1] + bbox[1][1]) / 2) tr = np.matrix(np.eye(3)) tr[0, 2] = ecent[0] - center[0] tr[1, 2] = ecent[1] - center[1] parent.remove(element) new_item = self.copy_svg(item) self.copy_item_properties(element, new_item) eid = new_item.get('id') if '-' in eid: eid = '-'.join(eid.split('-')[:-1]) eid += '-%d' % self.id_count new_item.set('id', eid) self.id_count += 1 self.transform_subtree(new_item, relem.get('trans'), tr, trans) parent.append(new_item) else: added = [(child, trans, element, current_id, current_label) for child in element] todo = added + todo def cut_segment(self, v1, v2, bmin, bmax): if v1[0] < bmin[0]: if v2[0] < bmin[0]: return None # drop segment else: v1b = type(v1)(v1) v1b[0] = bmin[0] v1b[1] = v1[1] \ + (v2[1] - v1[1]) * (bmin[0] - v1[0]) / (v2[0] - v1[0]) return self.cut_segment(v1b, v2, bmin, bmax) if v1[0] > bmax[0]: if v2[0] > bmax[0]: return None # drop segment else: v1b = type(v1)(v1) v1b[0] = bmax[0] v1b[1] = v1[1] \ + (v2[1] - v1[1]) * (bmax[0] - v1[0]) / (v2[0] - v1[0]) return self.cut_segment(v1b, v2, bmin, bmax) if v2[0] < bmin[0]: v2b = type(v2)(v2) v2b[0] = bmin[0] v2b[1] = v2[1] \ + (v1[1] - v2[1]) * (bmin[0] - v2[0]) / (v1[0] - v2[0]) return self.cut_segment(v1, v2b, bmin, bmax) if v2[0] > bmax[0]: v2b = type(v2)(v2) v2b[0] = bmax[0] v2b[1] = v2[1] \ + (v1[1] - v2[1]) * (bmax[0] - v2[0]) / (v1[0] - v2[0]) return self.cut_segment(v1, v2b, bmin, bmax) if v1[1] < bmin[1]: if v2[1] < bmin[1]: return None # drop segment else: v1b = type(v1)(v1) v1b[1] = bmin[1] v1b[0] = v1[0] \ + (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (bmin[1] - v1[1]) / (v2[1] - v1[1]) return self.cut_segment(v1b, v2, bmin, bmax) if v1[1] > bmax[1]: if v2[1] > bmax[1]: return None # drop segment else: v1b = type(v1)(v1) v1b[1] = bmax[1] v1b[0] = v1[0] \ + (v2[0] - v1[0]) * (bmax[1] - v1[1]) / (v2[1] - v1[1]) return self.cut_segment(v1b, v2, bmin, bmax) if v2[1] < bmin[1]: v2b = type(v2)(v2) v2b[1] = bmin[1] v2b[0] = v2[0] \ + (v1[0] - v2[0]) * (bmin[1] - v2[1]) / (v1[1] - v2[1]) return (v1, v2b) if v2[1] > bmax[1]: v2b = type(v2)(v2) v2b[1] = bmax[1] v2b[0] = v2[0] \ + (v1[0] - v2[0]) * (bmax[1] - v2[1]) / (v1[1] - v2[1]) return (v1, v2b) return (v1, v2) def clip_mesh(self, mesh, bmin, bmax): vert = mesh.vertex() poly = mesh.polygon() cmesh = type(mesh)() cmesh.header().update(mesh.header()) cvert = cmesh.vertex() cpoly = cmesh.polygon() # print('clip vertices:', len(vert), ', segments:', len(poly)) pts = {} # reverse map pos: index ns = len(poly) for i, p in enumerate(poly): if i != 0 and i % 1000 == 0: print(f'\rseg: {i} / {ns}: {int(i*100 /ns)}% ', end='') v1 = vert[p[0]] v2 = vert[p[1]] npoly = self.cut_segment(v1, v2, bmin, bmax) if npoly is None: continue v1b, v2b = npoly index1 = pts.get(tuple(v1b)) if index1 is None: index1 = len(pts) pts[tuple(v1b)] = index1 cvert.append(v1b) index2 = pts.get(tuple(v2b)) if index2 is None: index2 = len(pts) pts[tuple(v2b)] = index2 cvert.append(v2b) cpoly.append((index1, index2)) print() return cmesh def mesh_to_pyclipper(self, mesh, scale=1000): pc_mesh = mesh.header().get('pyclipper') if pc_mesh: return pc_mesh vert = mesh.vertex() poly = mesh.polygon() paths = [] path = [] closed = False first = None prev = None for i, p in enumerate(poly): v1 = [int(x) for x in vert[p[0]] * scale][:2] v2 = [int(x) for x in vert[p[1]] * scale][:2] if first is None or prev != p[0]: if first is not None: paths.append(path) path = [] path += [v1, v2] first = p[0] prev = p[1] elif first == p[1]: closed = True prev = None first = None paths.append(path) path = [] else: path.append(v2) prev = p[1] if path: paths.append(path) return paths, closed def pyclipper_to_mesh(self, tree, scale=1000., itrans=None): iscale = 1. / scale mesh = aims.AimsTimeSurface_2() vert = [] poly = [] todo = [tree] while todo: item = todo.pop(0) if item.Contour: n = len(vert) vert += [(x * iscale, y * iscale, 0.) for x, y in item.Contour] poly += [(i, i+1) for i in range(n, len(vert) - 1)] if not item.IsOpen: poly.append((len(vert) - 1, n)) if item.Childs: todo += item.Childs if itrans is not None and len(vert) != 0: vert = np.asarray(vert).T vert[2, :] = 1. vert = (itrans * vert).T vert[:, 2] = 0. mesh.vertex().assign(vert) mesh.polygon().assign(poly) return mesh def mesh_to_path(self, mesh, style=None): element = ET.Element('{}path') if style is None: style = 'stroke-width: 1.1; stroke-dasharray: none; ' \ 'stroke: #d7b497; stroke-opacity: 1;' # TODO: else get material etc. element.set('style', style) vert = mesh.vertex() poly = mesh.polygon() prev = None first = None lastx = 0 lasty = 0 pdesc = [] for p in poly: v1 = vert[p[0]] v2 = vert[p[1]] if first is None or prev != p[0]: x = v1[0] - lastx y = v1[1] - lasty pdesc.append(f'm {x},{y}') x = v2[0] - v1[0] y = v2[1] - v1[1] pdesc.append(f'{x},{y}') prev = p[1] first = p[0] elif first == p[1]: pdesc.append('z') first = None prev = None else: x = v2[0] - lastx y = v2[1] - lasty pdesc.append(f'{x},{y}') prev = p[1] lastx = v2[0] lasty = v2[1] if len(pdesc) >= 1000: # squeeze for memory / perf pdesc = [' '.join(pdesc)] pdesc = ' '.join(pdesc) element.set('d', pdesc) return element def clip_path_rect(self, xml_path, trans, bmin, bmax): mesh = self.read_path(xml_path, trans) cmesh = self.clip_mesh(mesh, bmin, bmax) style = self.get_style(xml_path) clipped = self.mesh_to_path(cmesh, style) return clipped def clip_path(self, xml_path, trans, clip_poly, clip_trans=None): try: import pyclipper except ImportError: global _pyclipper_failed if not _pyclipper_failed: _pyclipper_failed = True print('PROBLEM: the pyclipper module is not installed. ' 'Polygon clipping will not be possible without this ' 'module. Please install it using the command:', file=sys.stderr) print('python -m pip install pyclipper', file=sys.stderr) print('For the time being, some objects will disappear from ' 'clipped zoomed regions.') return None mesh = self.read_path(xml_path, trans) if len(mesh.polygon()) == 0: return None if isinstance(clip_poly, aims.AimsTimeSurface_2): clip_mesh = clip_poly else: clip_mesh = self.read_path(clip_poly, clip_trans) clip, _ = self.mesh_to_pyclipper(clip_mesh) subj, closed = self.mesh_to_pyclipper(mesh) del mesh, clip_mesh pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper() # print('clip:', clip) pc.AddPath(clip[0], pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True) # print('subj:', subj) pc.AddPaths(subj, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, closed) clipped = pc.Execute2(pyclipper.CT_INTERSECTION, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD) itrans = None if trans is not None: itrans = np.linalg.inv(trans) cmesh = self.pyclipper_to_mesh(clipped, itrans=itrans) del clipped style = self.get_style(xml_path) clipped_xml = self.mesh_to_path(cmesh, style) return clipped_xml def remove_paths_outside_bounds(self, xml_group, bbmin, bbmax, trans=None): trans = self.get_transform(xml_group, trans) to_remove = [] for path in xml_group: pbmin, pbmax = self.boundingbox(path, trans) if pbmin[0] > bbmax[0] or pbmin[1] > bbmax[1] \ or pbmax[0] < bbmin[0] or pbmax[1] < bbmin[1]: to_remove.append(path) for path in to_remove: xml_group.remove(path) def merge_paths(self, xml_group, trans=None): if len(xml_group) == 0: return trans = self.get_transform(xml_group, trans) path = xml_group[0] ptrans = self.get_transform(path, trans) d = [self.transform_path(path, ptrans)] for p in xml_group[1:]: ptrans = self.get_transform(p, trans) d.append(self.transform_path(p, ptrans)) d = ' '.join(d) path.set('d', d) for i in range(len(xml_group) - 1): xml_group.remove(xml_group[1])
[docs] def save_mesh_dict(self, meshes, dirname, mesh_format='.obj', mesh_wf_format='.obj', lights=None): ''' mesh_format may be a valid mesh extension (".obj", ".gii", ".mesh") or GLTF (".gltf" or ".glb"), or None (not saved here). If GLTF is used a scene dict (JSON) is returned in the output summary under the key "gltf_scene". ''' import json from soma.aims import gltf_io if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) summary = {} if mesh_format in ('.gltf', '.glb') or mesh_wf_format in ('.gltf', '.glb'): matrix = [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] gltf = gltf_io.default_gltf_scene(matrix) summary['gltf_scene'] = gltf for key, mesh in meshes.items(): # if key is None: # print('key is None, mesh:', mesh) # continue if type(mesh) in (list, dict): # dict object (text...), save as .aobj filename = os.path.join(dirname, key.replace('/', '_') + '.aobj') print('saving:', filename, '(', key, ')') try: json.dump(mesh, open(filename, 'w')) summary.setdefault('text_fnames', {})[filename] = key except Exception as e: print(e) print('while saving object:', mesh) try: os.unlink(filename) except Exception: pass else: if isinstance(mesh, aims.AimsTimeSurface_2): ext = mesh_wf_format else: ext = mesh_format if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)): ext, format = ext else: format = None fext = ext if ext is None: fext = '' filename = os.path.join(dirname, key.replace('/', '_') + fext) print('saving:', filename, '(', key, ')') self.build_texture(mesh, key) if ext in ('.gltf', '.glb'): gltf = self.store_gltf_texmesh(mesh, key, gltf) elif ext is not None: aims.write(mesh, filename, format=format) summary.setdefault("meshes", {})[filename] = key # if gltf and lights if mesh_format in ('.gltf', '.glb'): if lights is not None: ext = gltf.setdefault('extensions', {}) lext = ext.setdefault("KHR_lights_punctual", {}) gltflights = lext.setdefault('lights', []) nodes = gltf.setdefault('nodes', []) scnodes = gltf.setdefault('scenes', [{'nodes': []}])[0]['nodes'] nn = len(scnodes) nl = 0 print('LIGHTS:', lights) for light in lights: pos = light[0][:3] props = light[0][4] if props is None: props = {} gltflights.append(props) scnodes.append(nn) node = { "extensions": { "KHR_lights_punctual": { "light": nl } }, "translation": [-pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]], } direction = props.get('direction') if direction is not None: del props['direction'] direction = aims.Point3df(direction) direction.normalize() direction[0] *= -1 # we have inverted x axis = aims.vectProduct([0, 0, -1], direction) angle = math.asin(axis.norm()) rotation = aims.Quaternion() rotation.fromAxis(axis, angle) node['rotation'] = list(rotation.vector()) nodes.append(node) nn += 1 nl += 1 return summary
def store_gltf_texmesh(self, mesh, name, gltf): from soma.aims import gltf_io if 'texture' in mesh.header(): print('MESH WITH TEXTURE', name) texture = mesh.header()['texture'] tcoords = texture['coords'] gltf = gltf_io.tex_mesh_to_gltf( mesh, tcoords, name=name, gltf=gltf, tex_format='webp', images_as_buffers=True, single_buffer=True) else: gltf = gltf_io.mesh_to_gltf(mesh, name=name, gltf=gltf) return gltf def find_element(self, xml_et, filters): filt_layer = None if isinstance(filters, str): filters = {'id': filters} else: if 'layer' in filters: filt_layer = filters['layer'] filters = dict(filters) del filters['layer'] doc = xml_et.getroot() todo = [(layer, None) for layer in doc if filt_layer is None or layer.get( '{}label') == filt_layer] while todo: elem, strans = todo.pop(0) trans = self.get_transform(elem, strans) match = 0 for k, v in filters.items(): ev = elem.get(k) if v != ev: break match += 1 if match == len(filters): return elem, trans todo += [(child, trans) for child in elem] return None def get_metadata(self, xml_et): meta = getattr(self, 'svg_metadata', None) if meta is not None: return meta meta = [layer for layer in xml_et.getroot() if layer.tag.endswith('}metadata')] if len(meta) != 0: meta = meta[0] else: meta = {} self.svg_metadata = meta return meta def clip_rect_from_id(self, xml_et, rect_id): if isinstance(rect_id, str): elem = self.find_element(xml_et, rect_id) if not elem: raise ValueError('element not found: %s' % rect_id) elem, trans = elem # un-apply element transform telem = elem.get('transform') if telem: telem = self.get_transform(telem) if trans is not None: trans = trans * scipy.linalg.inv(telem) else: trans = scipy.linalg.inv(telem) print('elem:', elem) print(elem.items()) bbox = self.boundingbox(elem, trans) dims = [bbox[0][0], bbox[0][1], bbox[1][0] - bbox[0][0], bbox[1][1] - bbox[0][1]] else: dims = rect_id return dims def clip_page(self, xml_et, dims_or_rect): dims = self.clip_rect_from_id(xml_et, dims_or_rect) doc = xml_et.getroot() init_w = float(doc.get('width')) init_vbox = [float(x) for x in doc.get('viewBox').split()[2:]] ratio = init_w / init_vbox[0] doc.set('width', str(dims[2] * ratio)) doc.set('height', str(dims[3] * ratio)) doc.set('viewBox', '0 0 %f %f' % (dims[2], dims[3])) transl = 'translate(%f, %f)' % (-dims[0], -dims[1]) for layer in doc: if layer.tag.endswith('}g'): ltrans = layer.get('transform') if ltrans: ltrans = '%s %s' % (transl, ltrans) else: ltrans = transl layer.set('transform', ltrans) def read_xml(self, svg_filename): self.svg_filename = svg_filename self.svg = ET.parse(svg_filename) return self.svg
if __name__ == '__main__': filenames = [ '/volatile/riviere/neurosvn/capsul/trunk/doc/source/_static/capsul_logo.svg', '/home/riviere/neurosvn/capsul/trunk/doc/source/_static/capsul_logo.svg', '/tmp/galeries_big.svg', '/home/riviere/catacombes/plans/14/big_2017/GRS-2010-galeries.svg', '/home/riviere/catacombes/plans/14/big_2017/PARIS-2017.svg', ] svg_filename = filenames[-1] if not os.path.exists(svg_filename): svg_filename = [f for f in filenames if os.path.exists(f)][0] svg_mesh = SvgToMesh('bygroup') xml_et = svg_mesh.read_xml(svg_filename) mesh = svg_mesh.read_paths(xml_et)