Source code for catamap.diff_svg

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: UTF-8

diff_svg module

Print differences between two SVG maps.

Uses the yaml module (``pip install pyyaml``).

The output is a hierarchical dictionary of differences between the two maps. Differences in tags (properties) and children are recorded. Item keys are their "id" property, which should be unique in the files, and are displayed hierarchically.

Used as a program, the output is in YAML format (mostly human readable)

To use it, try::

    python -m catamap.diff_svg --h

It will print the command doc and parameters.

diff_svg module API

import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import sys
import yaml
import argparse

size_limit = 1000

[docs]def diff_element(el1, el2, verbose_depth=0, verbose_depth_max=1): ''' Compare two SVG XML trees, record differences in both properties and children in a readable dictionary. ''' diff_d = {} ch1 = set([child.get('id') for child in el1]) ch2 = set([child.get('id') for child in el2]) # properties (tags)9536d8a6740e0ae758e20faad947a7ca14500354 if el1.items() != el2.items(): keys1 = set(el1.keys()) keys2 = set(el2.keys()) only_k1 = keys1.difference(keys2) only_k2 = keys2.difference(keys1) inter_k = keys1.intersection(keys2) props = {} if only_k1: props['only_in_1'] = sorted(only_k1) if only_k2: props['only_in_2'] = sorted(only_k2) dval = {} for prop in inter_k: v1 = el1.get(prop) if len(v1) > size_limit: v1 = '<value too large, size: %d>' % len(v1) v2 = el2.get(prop) if len(v2) > size_limit: v2 = '<value too large, size: %d>' % len(v2) if v1 != v2: dval[prop] = {'in_1': v1, 'in_2': v2} if dval: props['differing_values'] = dval if props: diff_d['id'] = el1.get('id') diff_d['props_diffs'] = props # children if ch1 != ch2: diff_d['id'] = el1.get('id') only_1 = ch1.difference(ch2) if only_1: diff_d['only_in_1'] = sorted(only_1) only_2 = ch2.difference(ch1) if only_2: diff_d['only_in_2'] = sorted(only_2) inters = ch1.intersection(ch2) ch_diffs = {} if verbose_depth <= verbose_depth_max and diff_d: print('element', el1.get('id'), 'differs') for ch in inters: ch1 = [item for item in el1 if item.get('id') == ch][0] ch2 = [item for item in el2 if item.get('id') == ch][0] ch_diff = diff_element(ch1, ch2, verbose_depth + 1, verbose_depth_max) if ch_diff: ch_diffs[ch] = ch_diff if verbose_depth <= verbose_depth_max: print('child element', ch, 'differs') if ch_diffs: diff_d['children_diff'] = ch_diffs return diff_d
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='diff_svg', description='Print differences between two SVG maps.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--svg1', help='1st SVG file to be compared') parser.add_argument('-j', '--svg2', help='2nd SVG file to be compared') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', help='output YAML file (default: use stdout)') parser.add_argument('other', nargs='*') options = parser.parse_args() svg1 = options.svg1 svg2 = options.svg2 out = options.output other = options.other if svg1 is None and other: svg1 = other.pop(0) if svg2 is None and other: svg2 = other.pop(0) if out is None and other: out = other.pop(0) if other: print('unrecognized arguments:', other, file=sys.stderr, end='\n\n') parser.parse_args([sys.argv[0], '-h']) sys.exit(1) print('read', svg1, '...') xml1 = ET.parse(svg1) print('read', svg2, '...') xml2 = ET.parse(svg2) print('compare...') diff_d = diff_element(xml1.getroot(), xml2.getroot()) print('diff:') if out: with open(out, 'w') as f: print(yaml.dump(diff_d), file=f) else: print(yaml.dump(diff_d))