Source code for catamap.altitude.bdalti

#!/usr/bin/env python


BDAlti maps module

Convertion tools for BDAlti maps ( and their use in :mod:`catamap`.


from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import os
import glob
    from soma import aims
except ImportError:
    # allow toi generate docs without aims
    aims = None
import json
import math

osp = os.path

[docs]def get_map_image(xi, yi, meta_map, base): ''' get image at coords xi, yi in the map table. Lazy load and cache it. ''' # print(xi, yi) metadata = meta_map['table'][yi][xi] if metadata is None: return None image = metadata.get('image') if not image: fname = osp.join(base, 'raw_images', metadata['file']) print('load altitude map:', fname) image = metadata['image'] = image return image
[docs]def get_z(x, y, meta_map, base, background_z=-99999.00): ''' get the altitude from (x, y) coords in Lambert93 coords ''' xpos = meta_map['xllcorners'] x0 = x - xpos[0] cs = meta_map['cellsize'] xi = int(x0 / cs) if xi < 0 or xi >= len(xpos): return background_z x1 = x0 / cs - xi ypos = meta_map['yllcorners'] y0 = y - ypos[0] # cs = meta_map['cellsize'] yi = int(y0 / cs) if yi < 0 or yi >= len(ypos): return background_z y1 = y0 / cs - yi image = get_map_image(xi, yi, meta_map, base) if image is None: return background_z x2 = int(x1 * image.getSizeX()) y2 = int(y1 * image.getSizeY()) # print(' ->', x2, y2) z =, image.getSizeY() - y2 - 1) if z == image.header()['NODATA_value']: z = background_z return z
[docs]def convert_raw_map(fname, out_fname): ''' convert one raw map from bdalti (.asc) to .ima format ''' with open(fname) as f: lines = f.readlines() types = { 'ncols': int, 'cellsize': float, 'xllcorner': float, 'yllcorner': float, 'NODATA_value': float, } metadata = {} for l in lines[:6]: item = l.strip().split() k = item[0] metadata[k] = types.get(k, str)(item[1]) # print(metadata) image = aims.Volume((int(metadata['ncols']), int(metadata['nrows'])), dtype='float') array = np.asarray(image) for i, l in enumerate(lines[6:]): array[:, i, 0, 0] = [float(x) for x in l.strip().split()] image.header().update(metadata) aims.write(image, out_fname)
[docs]def convert_raw_maps(fnames, out_fnames): ''' convert all raw data files from bdalti (.asc) to .ima format fnames: input files pattern (used with glob.glob()) out_fnames: output files pattern, should contain a "%s" pattern ''' for fname in glob.glob(fnames): bname = osp.basename(fname) out_fname = out_fnames % bname.split('.')[0] convert_raw_map(fname, out_fname)
[docs]def build_meta_table(ima_fnames): ''' build the metadata table from converted .ima files ima_fnames: pattern with a "%s", same as out_fnames in convert_raw_maps() ''' meta_keys = ['cellsize', 'xllcorner', 'yllcorner'] pos_table = [] for fname in glob.glob(ima_fnames % '*'): print(fname) f = aims.Finder() if f.check(fname): header = f.header() metadata = {k: float(header[k]) for k in meta_keys} metadata['file'] = osp.basename(fname) pos_table.append(metadata) print(pos_table) xpos = sorted(set([p['xllcorner'] for p in pos_table])) ypos = sorted(set([p['yllcorner'] for p in pos_table])) meta_table = [[None for x in range(len(xpos))] for y in range(len(ypos))] for metadata in pos_table: meta_table[ypos.index(metadata['yllcorner'])] \ [xpos.index(metadata['xllcorner'])] = metadata meta_map = {'table': meta_table, 'xllcorners': xpos, 'yllcorners': ypos, 'cellsize': xpos[1] - xpos[0]} return meta_map
# ---- if __name__ == '__main__': base = '/volatile/home/denis/catacombes/plans/14/plan_14_2017/altitude/BDALTIV2_2-0_75M_ASC_LAMB93-IGN69_FRANCE_2020-04-28/BDALTIV2' fnames = osp.join(base, '1_DONNEES_LIVRAISON_2020-05-00201/BDALTIV2_MNT_75M_ASC_LAMB93_IGN69_FRANCE/*.asc') out_fnames = osp.join(base, 'raw_images/%s.ima') out_map = osp.join(base, 'map.json') # --- #convert_raw_maps(fnames, out_fnames) # --- #meta_map = build_meta_table(out_fnames) #with open(out_map, 'w') as f: #json.dump(meta_map, f) # ---- with open(out_map) as f: meta_map = json.load(f) coords = [(648076.25, 6858784.37), (651831.92, 6857938.91), (652528.99, 6861468.52)] ztest = [58.24, 59.8, 26.97] for c, zt in zip(coords, ztest): z = get_z(c[0], c[1], meta_map, base) print(c, ', z:', z, ', expected:', zt, '(D=%f)' % (z - zt))